Suggest a film

Teignmouth Film Society bases its film selection on titles suggested and voted for by its audience. We are therefore keen to know of any films you’d like us to screen for our next season.

Please bear in mind that we cannot show films that are longer than approximately 2 hours and that we try and avoid films that we have screened before.

To check what films we’ve already shown, have a look at our Screened films page.

Follow this link for full details of our film selection process.

You will be asked to add your name and email address but your email won’t be displayed on the site. Please note that your suggestion won’t appear until after it has been moderated.


  1. I would like to suggest “Shine” starring Geoffrey Rush. It is an award winning film, brilliantly acted.

  2. Leighton Hargreaves

    Hello, I would like to suggest the film “wind tide and oar”, details about it are here I would love to come see it in shaftesbury theatre and I imagine many others would too

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